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What’s This I’m Seeing On Medium?

Have scammers joined Medium?

George Blue Kelly
2 min readApr 16, 2024


I’ve not been back on Medium for long. And I still struggle with words when I write.

The only thing I’ve enjoyed so far, are the fascinating stories of gifted writers here. Alongside the feeling that comes with seeing favorite old names.

However, I’ve noticed something that’s left me confused and asking;

‘Have scammers joined Medium?’

Or am I mistaken?!

In the comment section, especially when I respond and leave my thought on a writer’s article, (and they respond back), they do so dropping a WhatsApp number and asking to connect.

At first, I didn’t think much of it. I felt, it’s probably nice.

Until I came across a few similar comments with the same phone number.

This is what’s more interesting!

The accounts that left those comments were not the original accounts of the actual writer. The accounts usually have the same name, same profile image but with zero followers.

Unfortunately, whilst writing this article, I went back in search of the previous accounts and comment, and I was unable to find them.

