This was a journey. I felt every emotion; pain, sadness, inspiration and healing. What a beautiful piece this is.
Reading your story felt like staring into a mirror and seeing images of my past, remembering every thought and recalling every emotion.
“We spend the first half of our lives been raised by our parents. And the later half undoing their deeds.”
I wrote that in my diary when I started my inner work trying to understand myself and trace back certain traits I have.
When parents get it wrong, we’re forced to ask, “what’s the purpose of this life, anyway.”
But I hope telling our stories, like you’ve done here, will educate and inspire people, both parents and children. Especially, potential parents.
From reading your story, I see you’ve had it hard. From those pain you’ve mastered and recreated yourself. Like the saying, “we do not find ourselves; we create ourselves.”
But most importantly, and more dear to me; I hope you’re in a better place today?