This should be in a book! What value!!!
Everything you said here is spot on. My emotions have been my biggest struggle.
Even now that i feel i'm better, it still is a struggle. I wish i didn't have to struggle so much to be in control or rather bluntly, to appear socially apt.
As an HSP, and a male, it's doubly difficult. I can't stop my mind from scrutinising every statement, remarks, or response. Sometimes i wonder, what am i looking for being some psychologically meticulous, if there's even such a word.
Hmmm! But i have to learn to control that, because i need to play according to the male stereotype; don't talk too much, you shouldn't be feeling that way, cos alphas don't, real men don't worry themselves over things like that.
How can I ignore the things I feel? I know for a fact that being expressive is liberating. But the stigma that comes with a man who is an HSP and too expressive, can be a deterrent.
I really relate a lot with this piece Orla… But i must say, controlling my emotions as an HSP INFJ, is exhausting.
And funny thing is, because of my sensitivity, i rarely get on the bad side of people. We can easily get along, because I understand. But i wonder why most people are emotionally and socially clueless.
I've ranted too much… Thanks Orla for this!