My Dad always said, “no knowledge is wasted.”
However often or not it’s needed, someday it’ll come in handy.
I think it’s great, and speaks of a strong sense of character that you went through all the hoops and processes to become a Lawyer. That’s not a small accomplishment.
So I want to say congratulations on that.
For a time, it was your dream. And you felt passionate about it.
It doesn’t mean you were wrong. I’ll like to think that. Because, it played a role in your development as a person which got you to the point where you are now.
Maybe what you need at this point in your life, is to give yourself the chance to explore other passions you may have. Regardless of how small you may perceive it to be. The things that light us up are not very often grand.
This is an excellent piece once again. It’s given us something to chew on, in the pursuit of goals in our lives.