Even though you’ve written a fine article here, and shown courage in bringing this issue, I must still touch on what I noticed. And I’m sorry I have to.
You still did not explicitly write, “Porn is a sin. Or porn is wrong.”
It is!
It’s everywhere. All across the world. The problem is modern ministers are failing. Majority of those who called themselves ‘men of God,’ aren’t supposed to be on the pulpit.
Majority of our so-called, ‘men of God,’ are not teaching nor pastoring by the Spirit of God. Their focus is pampering their members, preaching sermons around self-worth and dispensing motivational speeches as the word of God.
We don’t want to hurt peoples feelings. We don’t want our church number to decline. We like the gathering more than the salvation.
Whilst completely failing at the one vital thing; preparing a spotless church—souls without blemish for the last days—as the master is coming soon.
No… let’s keep playing, keep being nice, keep being political. Keep failing!