I relate a lot to this. Especially with my superior at work. And I also have friends who are dying inside due to the abuse and disrespect they get from work.
I'm someone who's patient, and give people long rope to draw, but when I snap, I snap.
I learned that, when you don't confront people on their nonsense, it'll only get worse.
That's how it was for me in my first two months at my workplace, until I blew a fuse. Though it's a bit better now, the humiliation and verbal abuse is still there.
I understand, too, the challenge of being in a situation in life where certain decisions are hard to make.
But when it comes to your home, your spouse, nothing like that should exist. You shouldn't have to deal with that stuff in your home, and with the person you go to bed with every night. It's too much pain to bear.
I'm really touched by your piece. Please keep writing, and I hope you find a way out of whatever painful place you currently are in.