And I think this is only going to get worse. It’s one thing to legislate, riot and fight for women’s right and gender equality, it’s another to actually see it manifest in society.
And the reason why we are not seeing it manifesting is because, we don’t have enough parents/organisations teaching our daughters and sons these very truths, that men and women are equally intelligent.
Instead, parents are telling their sons how smart they are and their daughters, how pretty they are. What happens is, our sons grow up wanting to prove to society that they’re smart by going into jobs that helps them create that beliefs.
While our daughters grow up wanting to become TikTokers and beauty influencers on YouTube because parents have made them prioritise their beauty over their brains. This is apparent even in the way they dress them as teenagers, with revealing and sexy clothes—sexualising them even before they have a chance to truly understand the complexity of being a woman in a world that’s still passively awakening to the truth that women were made for more.
My point being, whilst we are fighting equality at the higher level of society, we must also implement strategies in the home and family, because that’s where it all begins.